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xiu provides command line parameters to start the service:

A secure and easy to use live media server, hope you love it!!!

Usage: xiu [OPTIONS]

-c, --config <path> Specify the xiu server configuration file path.
-r, --rtmp <port> Specify the RTMP listening port(e.g.:1935).
-t, --rtsp <port> Specify the rtsp listening port.(e.g.:554).
-w, --webrtc <port> Specify the whip/whep listening port.(e.g.:8900).
-f, --httpflv <port> Specify the HTTP-FLV listening port(e.g.:8080).
-s, --hls <port> Specify the HLS listening port(e.g.:8081).
-l, --log <level> Specify the log level. [possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, debug]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

You can write all configuration parameters in a configuration file, and then pass the path of the configuration file to start the service

./xiu -c configuration_path

You can also start the service by directly specifying the port number of media protocols:

./xiu -r 1935
Explanation for the remuxing of media protocols

When remuxing from one protocol to another, both ports need to be opened , then the remuxer can be started automatically. For example, if you need to remux from RTSP to RTMP, use the following command line:

./xiu -r 1935 -t 5544